1st edition ”Carpe Vinum” -International Cartoon Contest 2023!

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Title: VINE
Author: Pastro
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Description: In addition to being a business administrator, graduated in 1987, he has been a cartoonist and illustrator since 1990. He won four honorable mentions in the humor salons at Imprensa – RS (1994); from Piracicaba – SP (1998); Caratinga – MG (2000); Maranhese – MA (2001 and 2003), and 1st place at the Ribeirão Preto Humor Show – SP (1998), 3rd place at the Mercosul Humor Show – Santa Maria – RS (1998). He was selected in a dozen international exhibitions in Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, Macedonia, Turkey, Belgium, Croatia, Korea, Israel and Poland. Since 1995, he has published in several publications between magazines and newspapers, and after twenty years, he has resumed his work as a cartoonist and wants to participate in humor events around the world. angelopastro@terra.com.br Contat: 55 (51) 9.9912.1945 Street Anita Garibaldi, 2120/508 Porto Alegre – RS CEP 90480-200 BRASIL Date Birth: 25/10/1958